//Feel The Soul//
This is my first post and I want to start by talking about the soul. I don't know what the world is about, and I don't know who I am and it's likely that I will never know but I have been trying to learn more about the soul recently as I think it might be a way to try and discover more about myself and hopefully help other discover themselves. We live in a world that is full many things which I would describe as being 'fake', I know this a negative term to use but I'm not sure how else to describe it. I live in a city where I am surrounded by things that us humans have created to benefit or not benefit ourselves and others, and these 'fake' things are often all we see everyday. I mean I do live close to a park where their is beautiful wildlife, but in that park there are still man made concrete paths and the park is surrounded by a wall that keeps it enclosed. But I am looking for something more, I want to try to understand myself and the world not so much in a scientific way but in a spiritual and emotional way. The word 'Soul' means 'the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, regarded as immortal' sometimes I can find myself feeling very lonely, worried, anxious and stressed and I think this is when I am not connected with my soul.
Things that the part of you does when it is not connected with your soul:
~ Seeks to serve itself, only doing things for the benefit of yourself even if it's hurting others.
~ Seeks outward recognition, this means it craves attention from others when its not needed.
~ Sees life as a competition, being competitive only to have the best for yourself.
~ Feels lack, feeling like you've lost out or you don't have something
~ Drawn to lust, only seeing thing by their physical beauty and only craving physical attention.
~ Devours the prize, only satisfied with the ultimate prize.
When you are connected with your soul:
~ Seek to serve others, you have pleasure in being kind and generous to others.
~ Seek inner authenticity, you look for good things about your inner self.
~ See beauty in both, you don't feel competition against others as you do not compare your self to other beings.
~ Feel abundance, you feel satisfied with what life gives to you and learn from experience.
~ Drawn to love, seeing further into somebody that what is presented physically and love everyone for who they are even if you don't completely understand them.
~ Enjoy the journey, the prize is not the ultimate goal the journey is what matters the most.
V xx